Emperor Aurangzeb’s 217.80 carat Shia amulet is world’s largest engraved emerald


Emperor Aurangzeb’s 217.80 carat Shia amulet is world’s largest engraved emerald

The largest engraved emerald gemstone in the world – The Mogul Mughal Emerald, weighing 217.80 carats.

This emerald tablet dates back to the year 1695. It belonged to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb who reigned between 1658-1707 and is adorned with the names of the Fourteen Infallible Guides: the Prophet Muhammad, Fatima al-Zahra and the Twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt ending with “wal-Mahdi al-Qaim.”

The gem is on display as part of the Al Thani Collection at the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar, after it was acquired from Christie’s for $2.2 Million USD.

Emperor Aurangzeb’s 217.80 carat Shia amulet is world’s largest engraved emerald

The translation of the inscription reads: ‘O Merciful One, O Compassionate One, O God. God bless Muhammad and ‘Ali and Fatima and al-Husayn, and al-Hasan and ‘Ali, and Muhammad and Ja’far, and Musa and ‘Ali, and Muhammad and ‘Ali and al-Hasan and the Steadfast [al-Qaim] al-Mahdi.

source: http://www.therahnuma.com / The Rahnuma Daily / Home / August 19th, 2021