Tag Archives: Dr. Mubeena Ramzan

Meet Mubeena Ramzan, the trailblazer in imparting women’s education and property rights

Sopore (Baramulla District) , JAMMU & KASHMIR:

“In today’s world, if something goes wrong in our household, women are held responsible,” said Mubeena Ramzan, an iconic figure for women’s rights and upliftment in Kashmir. Featured in “The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims of 2019” and born in the ‘apple town of Kashmir’, Sopore, she had always been a “sensitive” child who always looked around for people who were not so privileged. She had a strong desire to help the underprivileged but financial constraints made her helpless. Growing up, she aimed to change this and be instrumental in helping the lesser fortunate women around her.

“When I initially started, we were just a few people but the recognition of our Kashmiri people who stood with me and joined our cause made me happier,” she shared about being among the most influential Muslims of 2019. Mubeena completed her studies in her native town and joined a private college run by Anjuman Moin-ul-Islam which was the only college for women at Sopore then. “Whenever things are wrong at home, a woman is asked to do a job and support the family,” she recalled. Speaking about her immediate surroundings, she detailed how women were still suppressed “in the garb of religion as interpreted by the village elders and religious leaders.” Disturbed by such wrong interpretations of the status of women in Islam, she was motivated to get educated and work towards improvisation concerning women rights.

“There is an ayah in the Quran which talks about women to remain inside four walls of their homes but we have forgotten that every ayah had its own context,” Mubeena stated while defining her motivation to pursue Islamic Studies. “Our so-called maulvis used Islam as a tool to suppress women while Islam is the only religion which empowers women in every aspect of her life,” she added. Driven by this zeal, she went to the University of Kashmir for pursuing Masters in Islamic Studies. Her choice of studying the interpretation of Islamic teachings was aimed “to look inside the teaching which catered to women.”

“In Islam, women have been given property rights but whenever a daughter asks for her share she is abandoned and fought off,” says Mubeena. Her harrowing experiences of witnessing abandoned women with limited access to clothes, food or water motivated her to enrol for a B.Ed., M.Phil and PhD in Islamic Law. Her vision remained to challenge the deliberately flawed interpretations of Islamic teaching that caused Muslim women untold misery. After her studies, she initially started working as a research associate, looking for opportunities to educate, help and empower women through Islamic teaching. She feels that when people “want to truly empower a woman they should give her the share from the property.”

“In Islam, women don’t have any economic liabilities, men were created as the protector and guardian of women so it’s his responsibility to look after her,” Mubeena explained. She completed two theses on Islamic Law and Social Evils as well as on Shah-e-Hamdan and Orientalism. Her education has taught her that “there needs to be more resources for women’s empowerment and education.” To contribute to the cause, she continued working in various educational institutions as a contractual lecturer and research associate and went on to open her own institution for women, Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimaat.

“The vocational training in activities like cutting, tailoring, and computer skills here empower and helps us to support ourselves financially,” says Nahila Wani, a senior student at Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimaat. The school provides shelter, food, clothes, and education free of cost to all needy students. “Many students who have received an education from this institution have gone on to open their own schools, benefiting our society,” shares Nahila who added that the well-balanced curriculum “fosters independence and awareness among women, making them conscious of their duties and rights.”

“There were so-called preachers who said that I can’t run this institution as I am a woman,” she said while recounting the initial three years of starting the institution. She explained that initially the establishment faced many problems but over time they installed networks with professional teams including top doctors in the valley. The emphasis here lies in educating women in Quranic exegesis, science of Hadith, Jurisprudence, and History, while also training them in languages like Arabic, English, Urdu, and computer skills. “Our goal is to equip them with the necessary skills to become self-reliant and competent individuals,” said Mubeena.

In 2014, Mubeena also started Ansar-ul-Nisa, a socio-religious organization that provides special support to needy orphans, would-be-brides, and widows. Through the organization, she came across several cases of suicidal cases of women, especially among married women. According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, there was a 15.62% increase in crimes against women in 2021 compared to the year 2020. Over 7,000 arrests were made in cases of women harassment in the union territory in 2021. In the 2011 Census, among 64 lakh women in the valley, the crime rate per lakh population in stood at 61.6% as of 2021. 315 cases of rape, 1,414 incidents of attempt to rape, and 14 dowry deaths were reported in 2021 wherein 91.4% of cases showed that the accused were known to the victims. Around 1,851 cases of physical assault on women with the intention to outrage their modesty was also caused. The figures clashed with the lockdown in COVID-19 when suicidal tendencies among Kashmiri women grew rapidly, the same time around Mubeena’s team was expanding women counselling activities.

The counseling cell works 24×7 hours to help Kashmiri women in such events wherein one of the cases she dealt with was involving a girl who was abandoned by both her parents who had separated and remarried and registered her as an orphan. Her organization fought on the social front against her father ultimately convincing the local elders to rightly grant some portion of the property in her name. The girl was married off soon after and is currently living happily with her husband and a daughter. Two more orphan sisters studying in Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimat received legal help to secure property share from their grandfather and are now living with their mother in their own house. Stories like this abound in Mubeena’s organizations.

“We believe in providing a safe space where newly married women, divorcees, and those suffering from mental health disorders can come to share their stories and find relief,” shares Mubeena. Through her institution’s counseling team of highly qualified professionals including top doctors and professors, they divert efforts to support them financially and emotionally. “As we look to the future, we aim to establish a helpline number to further expand our reach and continue to provide crucial support for those in need,” she said. At present, 600 girls are studying in the institutions and about 500 widows also receive financial assistance. Due to lack of funds, her plans of opening a college for skills-oriented courses are delayed.

Speaking about her future plans, she detailed that she aims to build an institution where all modern subjects are taught at par with Islamic education, alongside martial arts and vocational skills like cutting, designing, oratory, etc. “Our whole motive is to make women empowered through education,” Mubeena iterated her future plans.

Sadaf Shabir is an independent journalist. She tweets @sadafreports 

source: http://www.twocircles.net / TwoCircles.net / Home> India News /by Sadaf Shabir / May 24th, 2023

Meet Dr. Mubeena Ramzan, the first Kashmiri women to feature among world’s 500 most influential Muslims

Sopore,( Baramulla District )JAMMU & KASHMIR :

Dr Mubeena Ramza, head of Ansar-un-nissa' a soio religious organisation (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)
Dr Mubeena Ramza, head of Ansar-un-nissa’ a soio religious organisation (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)

Dr Mubeena Ramzan of Kashmir created history earlier this month when she became the first Kashmiri woman to be enlisted among the 500 most influential personalities in the Muslim world. The list was released by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, an independent research entity affiliated with the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought.

The list named Dr. Mubeena from North Kashmir’s Sopore as one among the world’s most influential persons. Dr Mubeena heads the women-only socio-religious organization ‘Ansar-un-Nissa’ and is the Rector of ‘Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimat’, which has its branches in Sopore (Baramulla), Baghat (Srinagar) and Sumbal (Bandipora) under the aegis of a registered public trust namely ‘Mahdul Muslimat Educational Trust’ in Kashmir. Dr Mubeena travels extensively across the valley for women’s rights and ensure that women suffering from domestic violence are provided “a vent”. In an exclusive interview with TwoCircles.net, Dr Mubeena talks about her activism, journey and her views regarding role of women in conflict-torn state.

Here are the experts

Could you please tell us a little about yourself?

I was born in Sopore of District Baramulla and had my initial schooling from Islamia High School, Sopore where we were taught Islamiyat, Arabic and Hindi, which broadened our thought process.

Students of the madarsa run by Dr. Mubeena (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)
Students of the madarsa run by Dr. Mubeena (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)

After pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies, Education, Political Science and Philosophy from Islamia College, Sopore. After that, I completed my B.Ed, Masters degree and Research from University of Kashmir (KU). During my Research in Kashmir University, I had specialised in Islamic Law, Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Orientalism.
Besides all this, I had learned Islamic Sciences from Hazrat Mufti Muzaffar Hussain Qasimi Sahab, Head Mufti, Darul-ul-Uloom Sopore.

When did the idea of setting up your own institute for women come to your mind and why?

As a scholar, my research on Kashmiri Society and its social evils had made me realise that I must play an active part in mitigating the crisis. The very idea motivated me to quit lectureship in a B.Ed college in Kupwara and started Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimat under the aegis of Mahdul Muslimat Educational Trust in 2002, from a rented building in Sopore and took us eight years to purchase a land and built a proper girls-only seminary-cum-skill school there.

The objective was to inculcate education with Islamic integration and impart skills among women. We started another branch in Baghat area of Srinagar city and recently, opened another campus at Sumbal-Hajin area of Bandipora district.

What do you teach to your students?

Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimat is a seminary-style girls only institute where besides teaching of religious text we impart worldly education also. But main thrust is on religious scriptures like Quranic exegesis, science of Hadith, Jurisprudence and History.
We also teach languages viz, Arabic, English, Urdu and train them in the field of Computers, Cutting & Designing skills to help them become competent and self-reliant.

Tell us about this institute and your journey with it?

We empower our students through education and skills, which boosts their confidence to face different realities of life. I believe that training a girl on these parameters was not possible by mere religious sermons, debates, seminars, etc.

We had to upgrade our religious syllabus on modern lines to make our girl students relevant to the contemporary society. We believe in natural upbringing of students, especially girl. We understand it well that apart from education and shelter, orphans also need motherly love and care. While we try to provide that, we also counsel and guide them regarding their future. This is what our Institute Jamia Islamia Mahdul Muslimat provides.

In 2013, we called a meet of women from different walks of the life-around 100 of them-in Sopore where we decided to have some welfare initiatives among women. And as a result, in March 2014, we floated “Ansar-un-Nissa”, a women welfare body which provides a helping hand to the needy, would-be brides, widows, orphans, and also establishes vocational training centres.

What challenges do you face during your activism in a society that can be patriarchal?

When it comes to a woman who observes Hijab, challenges are tremendous. Women now-a-days is sandwiched between two extremes – Religious and Western. A man is called qawwam in Quran, which means head / protector / sustainers of the family but this status has been misused by some by enslaving women.
I was opposed by so-called Moulvis for starting girls only seminary style institute (Madrassa) as it was in their mind how come a female run a Madrassa. But Alhamdulillah, now their perception has changed as we are successfully running three branches now.

The need of the hour is to have a very balanced approach where woman and man both would take care of their roles and responsibilities. Men and Women are equal, but not similar.

Reportedly, you were associated with Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) of Aasiya Andrabi and later on due to some differences you left from the organisation. What were the differences?

Yes, I was associated with the organisation till 2004. Later on the differences grew with the organization for it being more into political spectrum. I left the organization as I wanted to do activism on academic parameters and started academic activism among women folk.

Do you think there are need for more Muslim women scholars in Kashmir?

Obviously, yes. In the rest of the Muslim world, we have good number of women Islamic Scholars but in Kashmir we are lacking them. We need more and more women scholars in Kashmir in order to educate common women-folk.

You must be knowing that in Ottomans Empire, 40% of contribution to Bait-al-Mal (House of money) was by the women and the oldest degree-granting university in the world i.e., Al-Qarawiyyin University was founded by Fatima al-Fihri, a women.

Women have been the pioneers of the education from the beginning of the Muslim society which is evident from the fact that a great major of Ahadiths (sayings of the Prophet, saws) are quoted by none other than his wife, Hazart Ayesha Siddiqa (r.a).
You have conducted various religious gatherings in different parts of the valley.

What draws you to that endeavour?

There are many issues related to women where she needs to be educated in right perspective. People often gossip about four wives, but no one thinks about having four daughters. Even a mother’s face turn pale now-a-days on the birth of a girl child.

The experiences which I gained after travelling throughout the Valley and beyond it for conduct of various religious gatherings are quite astonishing and still prevalent in this century. Most of the daughters and sisters are being debarred from the property / inheritance while Islam and Islamic law have given them a Right to Inheritance. Remarriage, Widow Marriage is still considered something evil in this Kashmir.

Daughters, Sisters, Wives are being forced to work outside for earnings and height of the things are that now-a-days it is difficult for an unemployed girl to get a suitable match as most mothers prefer to have employed daughter-in-law.

The hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) about raising girls are beautiful and amazing. Girl children come with great rewards and blessings. If you offer care, love, support and education to your girl child, Paradise awaits you.

At a time when baby girls were deemed a source of shame, even buried alive, the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) came to rectify this grave wrong. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: If anyone has a female child, and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or prefer his male children to her, Allah will bring him into Paradise. (Ahmad). On one other occasion, The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “Whoever supports two girls till they attain maturity, he and I will come on the Day of Resurrection (close to each other) like this –The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) joined his fingers to illustrate closeness.” (Muslim)

These are just examples of how Islam cared for the girl children. The care mentioned in these hadiths and others is comprehensive. It covers the girls’ physical, emotional and mental needs. Such is the care and affection that our daughters deserve. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commands us to be loving, patient and supportive parents.

You were recently listed as one among the most influential 500 personalities in the Muslim world. Do you have any comments on your selection?

I came to know through my husband about it and I believe that real action and delight comes from helping your people grow. But yes, if your welfare activism is being recognised in any way, it does boost you.

Do you have any personal Muslim women heroes you would like to mention?

Not Hero, but inspiration. Maryam Jameela is one in this regard. She was brought up in a modern society but did not get getting influenced by it. On the contrary, she was able to influence and inspire people with her thought. Yvonne Ridley is other one.

Dr. Mubeena Ramza with her students at the convocation in Srinnagar (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)
Dr. Mubeena Ramza with her students at the convocation in Srinnagar (Photo: Auqib Javeed/ TwoCircles.net)

Do you have any messages for young Kashmiri Women?

As Muslims, they should believe that their rights, duties and status are justified. They don’t need any westerner or any ragtag activist to tell them their rights as a woman. Those who are rallying behind it are knowingly and unknowingly attempting to overlook the dignified status and rights given to women by their religion.

Islam invites you to a mission based on obedience to Allah and Islam addresses person’s spirit, emotions, belief, etc. West is dragging women from homes, only to fulfil economic and materialistic objectives. It’s intended to commercialize things but Islam gives dignity and status while addressing the soul.

There are some jobs in the field of Education and Health and other suitable fields, where women have a primary role. However, in choosing any job, your home should be your preference. Your family should not suffer at the cost of earning. People in Kashmir nowadays prefer earnings over other things which need to be discouraged.

Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an …..“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise, for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward” (Al-Ahzab 33:35)

source: http://www.twocircles.net / TwoCircles.net /  Home> Indian Muslim> Lead Story> Women / by Auqib Javeed, Twocircles.net / November 30th, 2018